Experience crew

Group classes designed to build strength, power, and endurance for everybody.

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Challenge / Special fundraiser Short Feature

Join us August 1 - 30

Welcome! Plan to show up to your first class 15 minutes early, with indoor running shoes, and a water bottle. Your coach will get you checked in and prepared to workout.

Crew Training Instructor Ashley O'Reilly

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The Workout

Crew classes combine strength, power, and endurance training in a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) format to achieve the ultimate full-body workout. Classes are intentional, constantly varied, and designed for all fitness levels. You will receive attention and inspiration from our fitness coaches to get results you can see and feel.

Why Crew

It’s group fitness for the individual. We believe in the power of working together towards a common goal, while celebrating individual accomplishments. Our fitness coaches are full of life and will alway keep you pushing forward. We strive to create a positive fitness experience every time, giving each individual an environment to learn and grow.

Melissa w.

I love that the instructors are always so motivating and offer modifications or optional exercises. They always push you to do your best but at the same time encourage you to do what is best for your body. I highly recommend Crew training!

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